Monday, May 15, 2017

Twice As Nice

     Here were are a week from the Pittsburgh Marathon of 2017.  Like last year, it pretty much has taken me a while to process all that has happened leading up to race, as well as the race itself.  My emotions have definitely been running high since then, but I think I'm finally able to settle down.

Myself, Amy, and Sara

     The week leading up to the marathon, everyone I know that was running checked the weather non-stop.  In true fashion, the weather was unpredictable.  Sure, news channels pay people to do that, but we all know far too well that the weather can change at any minute.  One day it was going to be seventy degrees.  The next day it was going to be 35 and rainy.  But, what we got, was the perfect day.

     As calm as I kept telling myself I was, it was very apparent that I was pretty excited.   The day before the race I volunteered to help the Steel City Road Runner's both in the earlier part of the day.  I was told numerous times by Coach Betsy that I needed to just sit down and relax.  I couldn't though.  I was in such a good mood. After I was done with my shift, I picked up my bib and race packet, and then I walked around a little bit.   I checked a few vendors out, grabbed some gels, and then just happened to glance over at these video screens that Dick's had showing pictures from past races.  As soon as I looked at the screen I saw none other than myself...running in a tutu from 2014.  I stood there and bust out laughing,   Of all pictures to use in their rotation, they happened to find that gem!  It was a nice laugh to have before I headed home.

Look who made the 2017 Marathon program.
I'm in green and Kim Jurica next to me in the
blue tank top.

     As I relaxed at home and got my dinner ready, I felt myself becoming tired.  This was good.  I thought that if I was feeling tired, I would be able to sleep prior to the race.  But, when I finally crawled into bed sure enough I could feel my heart beating as well as the blood flowing.  It looked like I was in for a long night.  I kept checking the time, getting up to use the rest room, and the last thing I remember was it being just past 11:00 PM.  The next thing I knew, my alarm was going off at 4:00 AM and it was time to get ready to run.

     I got down to the Westin hotel where there was a waiting area for members of the Steel City Road Runners group.   It was nice to be able to get something to eat prior to running, as well as a place to keep warm on that chilly morning.  I kept texting my friends to see where they were at as well as how they were doing.  I really wanted to be sure I got to see everyone prior to the start of their races.  I did get to see half of them, but not all, but that didn't change the fact that we were all encouraging each other as much as possible.  All I wanted for everyone was to have a good time and a good day, and it looked like we were about to do just that.

Sara, Chad, Marty, Kim Kirsten, and I

Steph, Amy, and Sara

All of my dedications
The Steel City Road Runners Group
Photo Cred: SCRR
     I said in my previous post how there seemed to be something in the air, a special buzz.  That didn't change on race morning.  You could feel the excitement in the crowd.  Everyone was smiling and laughing, taking pictures, and just plain ready to go.  I was able to meet up with a few of my friends prior to heading to the corral which I really wanted to do.  There were a few others who were already in their corrals, but again the texting made us all feel a little more at ease.  But now it was time to head to the coral, and before I knew it, I was running.

     Within the first mile we came upon the SCRR cheer station where coach Suzanne and Coach Betsy excitedly told us they would see us at mile 25.  I was looking forward to that, but mainly because they had margaritas and I would be very thirsty by that point in the race.  The first few miles in the city were going great.  I was running with two folks from the group, Ryan Walker and Adrienne Tolentino Essey, and we were having a really good time.  We were chatty.  We were goofy.  We were not really bothered by the fact that we were about to spend the next 4 hours together doing nothing but running.  Well, that soon changed.  About mile 5 it was down to two of us as Ryan had to take care of personal business (sorry Ryan.)  A short time after that, Adrienne told me to just go ahead and not worry about her and to have a great race.   So, I did.

Coach Suzanne and Coach Betsy ready to cheer
Photo Cred: Coach Suzanne
     I passed the 4:30 pacer on the West End bridge and I'd be lying if I didn't have a smile on my face at that point.  I knew I was running well, and I knew I felt well.  Even with the cloud cover going away and the sun pounding my face, the temperature was still very cool.   Compared to the previous year, this was my kind of running weather.  On a recommendation from Ryan, I protected myself with this liquid band-aid stuff.  He told me how well it worked for him so I figured I'd give it a shot.   Bad move on my part.  Around mile 8 I noticed the discomfort and when I saw the aid station volunteers with sticks of Vaseline, I bolted towards them.  TMI?  Maybe, but my nipples were in bad shape.  The rest of me wasn't.  My legs were moving and I was still smiling.
Mile 1 done! Photo Cred: Coach Suzanne

Steel City Cheer Section. Photo Cred: Coach Suzanne
and SCRR

     I was approaching the South Side when I heard someone yell my name.  I turned around it was my friend Sara.  Sara was doing great.   She told me that she was tired but I knew she was making good time.  This was her second year doing the half, and seeing her made me proud knowing how far she and some of my other friends have come since they took up running.   We stopped for a quick picture and again off I went.

Sara and I in the South Side
I know her! I know her!
     The most treacherous part of our course was just ahead: Forbes Avenue.   As I ran across the Birmingham Bridge I knew what was looming, but, if I could get up the hill last year, I could do it again this year.  It's such a huge relief when you get to the top of that hill.  However, another mile and a half later I felt it.  It was about this time last year when I started to get tired, also.  I told myself to keep going but once I got to mile 16 I began to walk for a little bit.  But you know what?  That didn't bother me at all.  It actually helped me a lot.  Sure my miles would be a little slower, but I was running my second marathon, and I was going to finish yet again.  This time though, it didn't seem so crazy.

Joe Glozzer and I after 22 was in the books.
     At the mile 21 marker I heard my name again and there was my buddy Joe.  I stopped and gave Joe a hug and told him how good it was to see him.  I only had 5 miles to go, and I was exhausted so Joe being in the right place at the right time truly was what I needed.  He asked me why I was stopping and I said to say hi to him.   He looked it me and said, "but I'm going to run with you for a little bit."   I looked at him and said, "really?  That's awesome!"  I asked him how far he was running and he told me just to the mile 22 marker.  I made sure to take a quick picture with Joe at the end of the mile and with another hug I kept at it.  Funny story though, is that it wasn't until later in the day when Joe posted the picture that it hit me why he ran that mile with me.  That was the mile that I dedicated to his late father in law.  He told me he was honored to run that mile with me, but it was really my honor.  When I told him that he just laughed and said, "if I ran the first 21 miles I would have been in the hospital so I'll let you slide on this one."  Hey, after running 21 miles, you tend to forget about everything except how to put one foot in front of the other.

     Another one of my friends was waiting around the corner as she lives in the area.  Little did I know was that Shelby would spell my name wrong on the sign she made for I and another friend of ours that was also running that day.  I rewarded her with a nice gross hug as I had just run through a misting station.  See what happens when you forget the K in my name?  1 point to Gryfndor.  After seeing her I knew what was coming: only about three and a half miles.   I was still smiling.  I was still feeling good.  I didn't regret this decision a second time.  I saw the clock time when I finished the mile and seeing what I saw reassured me how well I was doing over the previous year.  No matter how tired I was at that point, it was nothing like my first marathon.

     As I got close to finishing mile 24, the band entertaining everyone running was playing the Foo Fighters and a song I knew.  It only took 24 miles (and I tell you I was dying to do this all day,) so I made a straight shot over to the band and looked at their singer with my cheesy grin.  He knew what was going to happen, so he just stepped back, I belted out a lyric and then went back to running.  The whole band erupted with a cheer as I took off and I just chuckled and called myself a dork.

(enjoy this video of our coaches having fun - acquired from them)

     I decided to take another short break when two guys that I had trained with came up from behind me and passed me.  I told them they were both doing a great job, and seeing as they were running, I picked my pace back up.   I then got to the Steel City cheering station and was greeted with smiles and high fives all around.  It was pretty awesome.  Coach Betsy and Coach Suzanne were all over the middle of the street giving everyone the extra boost they needed to finish.  I gave Betsy a nice hug and thanked her for being a great coach, and still felt the need to walk just a little more.  As I did that out of no where came our friend Deanna.  She's tiny and hard to spot and kinda scared the crap out of me when she asked me how I was feeling.  I said pretty tired but she too encouraged me to keep running and walked me to to Coach Suzanne.  Suzanne grabbed my hand and ran me the next two blocks and said I was making great time and she was extremely proud and happy for me and everyone else.  As soon as she was out of ear shot I had to walk again.  That's when Tom and Kevin passed me again.

     Tom and Kevin made sure I knew I only had a half mile left so I picked it back up and turned the corner prior too Mile Marker 26.   I was so close.  I was making good time, and I was still happy.  I was tired as all hell, but I was happy.  Tom and Kevin passed me up again so needless to say they gave me another boost and they were right.  It wasn't time to walk.  It was time to finish.  I took my phone out and turned off the music.  I didn't need it as I could hear the crowd.  I also saw a text from Kim that said I was almost there and killing it (thank you Garmin Live Tracker.  And thank you Kim.)

     As the crowd grew larger, so did the noise and the cheers.   And then, there I saw it: two outstretched arms holding in the air two cans of beer.  Bryan you beautiful S.O.B.  I saw everyone there even though I was focused on the beer.  It was so awesome seeing my friends at the finish.  I've known these people for so long and being able to share moments like that with them is just something you will always remember.  I grabbed my beers, turned the corner, and just like last year I crossed the finish line.

     It's hard to believe that I ran a marathon last year, but now I've run two.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around that.  I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to give myself much credit for anything,  but I really to  here.  I've done something I never thought I would ever do, and I've now done it for the second time.  However I couldn't do it alone.  I didn't do it alone.

     I ran with Sara, Steph, and Amy.  I ran with Ryan, Adrienne, Jessie, and Diana and all of SCRR.  I ran with Kirsten, Chad, and Marty.  These people trained with me.  They sweated with me.  They shared my aches, and they shared my pains.  But, more importantly, they crossed that finish line with me.  Because of them, my coaches, SCRR, Team RWB, my friends and family, I am able to continue doing things I never thought I'd be able to do.  Every step and every mile of this and every race is something I could never do alone.  A marathon is tiring.  It's grueling.  It's mind numbing.  But, it's also amazing, and I'm glad I didn't have to do it alone.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

     God I love this town, and I love all of you.

     Thank you.

     Now, on to the next journey!  I'll see you on the trails next month, and then I'll see you in Chicago.

     Until then....keep on running Pittsburgh.


     Chuck Hull,   The Running Jedi.

I rang the hell out of that bell, and walked away
like a champ.

Coming in 2018????  Only time will tell!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Ready For Round 2

Thank you to David and Bonnie for this awesome t-shirt
     Here we are 3 days away from the Pittsburgh Marathon, and I'm somehow still eerily calm.  I'm not sure why that is.   I know the challenge that running a marathon brings, especially after my first go at it a year ago.  Facebook was nice enough to remind me of that this past Monday.

     This year, I feel like I have a good idea of what to expect.  What I really should expect, however, is actually the unexpected.  Anything can happen in three days.  Heck, anything could happen in one, but I'm not going to think like that.  I've been training for months now, and there is only one goal in mind.   I'm not the only one either.

     So many of us have trained for this day.  We've trained alone.  We've trained with a partner.  We've trained in a group.  I've followed conversations online between other runners, as well those with my friends.  Everyone is nervous, and have the jitters.  But at the same time, all of us are excited.  Knowing all of this, I think I may be looking more forward to this Sunday than I was last year.
     When I lined up in my corral with my friend Kirsten and Kim a year ago, I knew there was no turning back.  I had gotten that far, and I only had a little ways to go (if you want to call running 26 miles a little way.)  I crossed that starting line and everything that I trained for had become surreal.  Seeing everyone at the finish line was nothing sort of amazing as well, and despite my brain telling me otherwise, I knew I was going to do it again.  That brings us to today, where I and so many others are at - 3 days out from the Pittsburgh Marathon and Half Marathon.

Photo cred: Coach Suzanne.  Heck all these photos
are courtesy of her unless otherwise noted. Thanks Coach!
     Everything about this year's race seems....different.   I don't mean that in a negative way either.  There seems to be something in the air, like this vast wave of positive energy and good vibes.  My closest friends, the people I've trained with, all of us really, truly are getting more and more excited for Sunday.  Sure, we have jitters like I've already said, but you can still sense the excitement.  We're all making our plans to meet at the starting line, stay together, and provide the support that we've grown accustomed to having since we began our journeys in January and February.   That is a truly wondrous thing.

My longtime friend Stephanie Haas
who is probably going to kill me for sharing
this pic.
My lifelong friend Sara Majetic's Race attire.
All races are for her brother Lou.  RIP.

     In my spare time I've kept on top of training tips from those that have run countless miles on the road.   I've spent time reading articles from running magazines that I've never bothered to so much as glance at before.  I feel as though I'm more focused than I was a year ago, and yet that was the first time I took a shot at something this big.  I not obsessing over my finish time, my pace, or trying to beat someone.  I'm just focused on the task at hand, just like everyone else.
Coach Betsy happy to be back in action!
     Most of us have always had a vague picture of what we felt a runner should look like, and it's just like any other stereo type.  But really, what is a runner supposed to look like?  What I've learned since I began running is that runners are nothing more than this beautiful melting pot of people, each one so different, yet also the same.  A runner looks like him and like her.  A runner looks like me.  A runner looks like you.

     Our sizes and our shapes do not determine whether or not we can or cannot run.  It also doesn't determine what we can and cannot do.  So what is it that makes all of us runners?  That's easy.  It's our heart and it's our soul.  Those the two things that have gotten us this far.  We just now have to go a little bit further (you know, if you want to call 13 or 26 miles a little further to go.)

     Have a great time Sunday morning Pittsburgh.  I'll see you all at the finish line.


Chuck Hull,     The Running Jedi

Oh, and May the 4th be with you.... (you knew I was sneaking this in here.)

STILL TIME TO DONATE AND ONLY $570 from goal!!!! If I get $500 today, I'll put in the last bit my self!