Last year, as most of you know, I was at about mile 20 when I was telling myself how crazy I was for running a marathon. I hit the wall and I was tired. I said I would never do something like that ever again. I'm a big fat liar.
I wanted to do something special while I ran, so when I set out on my quest, I led with a theme, a mission so to speak: 26 miles, 26 dedications. So many people can have an affect on our lives. We look up to some of those people. We admire them. We get inspired by them.
When I was growing up, I always saw myself as this type of person. I remember my mother had went to see a psychic with some friends for fun, and when asked for a picture of her children, the woman pointed to me all freaked out saying I was going to save the world. Apparently this women knew somehow that I loved comic books and lived on plant Chuck. Even at a young age I got a huge laugh when my mom told all of us that little story. I'm 44 years old and I haven't quite saved the world. However, it doesn't mean that I never thought I would do something important. I'm still trying to figure out what that is.
I always envisioned myself as an actor, or a singer. I even took a small acting class in high school, but when I had to put my arm around a female class mate I found out that was not going to happen. I pretty much fell apart blushing. I was just a bit shy back then (far from it now.) I never knew I could sing until well into my 20s but again it wasn't anything I would pursue. I was just Chuck - your average Joe, blue collar guy working like everyone else and just living life. But the older I got, the more I started to change. Could I do something important that would mean something to someone, even if we didn't know each other? Well, sure I could. That's why I've chosen to run for the Mario Lemieux foundation these last few years, and why I chose the theme that I did for my first marathon. It's my way of giving back and trying to make what I was doing more meaningful.
I wanted my biggest achievement to mean something to not only me, but to other people as well. I wanted to honor those that may have fought the good fight and were no longer with us and those that were still fighting. I wanted to honor those that had an impact on my life, even if they were a perfect stranger, even a celebrity. Sure we may have never met, but that doesn't mean they hadn't touched my life in some way. These people inspired me to do good so I wanted to return the favor.
When registration for this year's marathon opened up at the end of last year, I signed up ready to fight round two with the pavement all throughout Pittsburgh. I wanted to dedicate my miles once more so that my run would mean something more to not only me, but to others as well. Some of this list will consist of those I've dedicated miles to last year, but that's because I want them with me a,second time. Some of this list will have names of people I do not know and have never met, but some of you might. These people inspire us all, and this year's race is for them.
This may be a long post, but I hope you'll stick around to the end. (I would have loved to use more pics but did not want to do so without permission.)
Mile 1 - Kathy Jane Westfall. Kathy Jane worked with us but had been going through cancer treatments for quite some time. She came back in the middle of last summer but could only work a shortened schedule and around the end of the year she had to leave us again for treatment. We did find out around mid February that she would not be able to return to work, and two weeks ago, she was taken from us. One of the nicest and sweetest women you could ever meet, she is missed by all of us at BCD Travel. RIP Kathy Jane.
Mile 2 - Donna Koffler, "Mrs. K" I still think of you often and will never not. You were a big part of my life growing up, and I cherish all the memories I have of you. You will always have not just this mile, but many miles dedicated to you.
Mile 3 - Cy Clark and Lou Majetic. I dedicated miles to them last year, and still wanted to honor them again this year. RIP.
Mile 4 - The yet to be born child of Gerard and Kara Schaefer. You're going to be joining this world soon, so I wanted to warn you ahead of time: your parents are NUTS when it comes to the Pens and hockey. You will be too. You just don't know it yet (but we do, and trust me, it's gonna be fun!)
Mile 5 - David And Bonnie Hamsteads's unborn child. You are going to be their third little one. You are going to have two big sisters. If you are a boy, they are going to torture you (I know this for a . fact.) If you are a girl, they still might, but chances are you three will be an unstoppable force of nature. We can't wait to meet you in October.
Mile 6 - Dana Zinsner Miara. No matter what you are going through, or what treatments you may need, you still show a smile that stretches across the universe. Don't ever stop. #teamdana #moonclassof90
Mile 7 - Traci Foley, Lisa Swanson and Alyson Patsilevas. I've never met these three ladies, but they were Dana's "pink sisters" and meant the world to her. They were taken from us too soon. RIP Traci, Lisa, and Alyson.
Mile 8 - Michelle Beck. I know the struggles you've been facing for the last few years, but that doesn't stop you from doing anything and enjoying life. And it shouldn't. This mile's for you. (There is usually someone here with beer, so...cheers!) #teambeck
Mile 9 - Sari Oister. Sari, I graduated high school with your mom. We never hung out or anything like that, but she was always one of the nicest people growing up and always treated me with kindness. She is one heck or a role model for you, but now you are a role model for us. The road ahead for you may be long, but at this point in the race, so is the road ahead of me. I know you'll keep on going, so I will, too. #teamsari
Mile 10 - Marissa Stout. Marissa, it's been a long time since I've seen you or Mike. I know there is no way I'll fully understand what you have to go through right now, but I know you're not giving up, and you never will. As long as I'm still running, I'm running as part of #teamstout.
Mile 11 - Janice Fife. Janice was the mother of my friend Karyn. I've known Karyn for many years now thanks to the power of the cheese (Velveeta - The State College band and not the actual cheese.) I saw of her passing back in January right before Karyn's birthday. It was unexpected, as sometimes with Cancer if not most times it usually is. I had never met her mom, but I'd still like to honor her memory.
Mile 12 - Tiffany Boehme. Hi Tiffany. I don't know you, but I do know you are a friend of Kim Jurica's. One day she simply said to me "cancer sucks." She had told me of you, and spoke fondly of you. I can't even begin to imagine what is going through your mind, or what you may be thinking, but I do know of one thought: keep going. This is the toughest part of the course, an uphill battle with Forbes Avenue. I know you have a tough hill to climb as well and way tougher than mine. I know you'll keep on climbing. So will I, and it's because of you. #teamboehme
Mile 13 - Kelly Frey. Of course I don't know her, but we all know who she is. We've all watched her for years, and she chose to share her story with the entire city of Pittsburgh. That is no small feat and I'm sure it took a long time for her to talk about this with us. She's not done sharing stories either, whether they are hers or someone else's. I'm not done either. I'm halfway there, and this mile is for Kelly. #teamFrey #wtae
Mile 14 - Darran Dunlap. Most of us sports fans know who Colin Dunlap is. A well respected sports radio host and sports journalist in Pittsburgh, Colin too shared with the people of Pittsburgh his young daughter's story and how she was diagnosed with cancer. No adult should ever have to go through this, let alone a young child. This is another reason why I run for the Lemieux Foundation. Some of the money raised helps support Austin's Playroom at Children's Hospital, which benefits children like Darran. Colin keeps us updated on Darran's status when he can, and shows us how strong she is each and every day. He tweeted a picture of her just yesterday showing her resolve. She is the toughest kid I don't know. You are amazing Darran, and I can't help but look up to you. #teamdunlap
Mile 15 - Eric Myers. Eric was the husband of a women I graduated high school with, author Colleen Myers (back then it was Laughlin.) He was taken too soon, like so many others. He had passed a few weeks before last year's marathon, and I had my dedication list written up by then. I haven't seen Colleen since high school, and I think it's so cool that she is an author. I hadn't forgotten about her husband's passing, and wanted to honor his memory as well. Mile 15 is in your memory Ssgt. Myers.
Mile 16 - Lisa Richetti. Lisa posted online just the other day that she was 7 years cancer free. What an awesome and incredible thing to read. It's also something we all want to read and see.
Mile 17 - B.E. Taylor. Most of us Yinzers know who this is. For a few years, I lived next door to his brother but did not see him very often. When I heard of his passing a friend of mine from high school, Pete Cardimen, reached out to me and sent me a message about B.E. "Chuck - Saw your comments earlier. Spoke to my mom today who is a neighbor of BEs brother. They have been the best of neighbors to our family. Going back years to when my dad was suffering with the complications of COPD and were there for my mom and us at one of the darkest times, always with love. Thought you might want to see (and share) this video from his son." I didn't get back to you on this one just yet Pete, but that's because I was saving what you sent for this blog posting. And, yes, I do want to share that video. It can be viewed below. I encourage everyone to click the link and watch.
Mile 18 - Dr. Joseph Udvari. Dr. Udvari passed away a few weeks ago due to complications with his cancer. He had been my eye doctor since I was 10 years old. He knew my family mostly from our visits. I was DJing the wedding of a co-worker's son and was surprised when he came up to say hi. He had no idea I was a DJ and a few years later hired me for his 40th class reunion. He was so fascinated by this and talked to me all night and made sure I was OK and had everything I needed. I didn't realize last year when I had my eye exam that he was sick. You were a good man Doc, and I'll miss our yearly chats. RIP.
Mile 19 - Franklin Foley. It's been close to 9 years since you have passed Mr. Foley. I know Doug, Erin, Kelly, Liz, and Mrs. Foley miss you dearly, and I'm glad to have met you when I did. I know you're looking down upon them all the time, and so do they.
Mile 20 - Dorothy Martoia. She was he grandmother of one of my close friend, Shelby. We had never met, and she would have been 91 the other day. She had a great and happy life, and mile 20 will be in the books with her spirit leading the way.
Mile 21 - Charles O'Malley. Charles was the father of my friend Cathy, and father in law to my buddy Joe. He passed away on Sept 4th, 2015. I wanted to honor him this year, as well.
Mile 22 - Lawrence J Ervin Sr. Father of my friends Larry and Chris, Mr. E has passed last August. Always one that when he saw you he would always take time out of his day to say hello and chat, no matter what he had to do. RIP Mr. E.
Mile 23 - Dan Rooney. Do I really need to say anything here? Thank you Mr. Rooney, for all you meant to the city of Pittsburgh.
Mile 24 - Carrie Fisher and Kenny Baker. Yes they are celebrities and very well known, and part of the biggest movie franchise that ever existed. But they were so much more than that. Kenny never let his size stop him from doing great things in Hollywood and being R2D2 is how most will remember him. Carrie was so much more than Princess Leia. She had her struggles in life, but she taught us so much because of them. She was blunt. She was honest. She was freaking hilarious. May the Force be with your both, always.
Mile 25 - Coach Betsy Magovern and Coach Kim Lambert. Coach Betsy suffered and injury and was not able to join us on the pavement this year for our training, but she has still been with us every weekend guiding us in other ways. She's on the road to recovery and will be back soon, but I wanted to let her know we still listen to her, and come race day, what's she's taught us this year will come in handy. Coach Lambert suffered a stroke after a race approx 6/7 months ago. She then ran and finished the Boston Marathon after recovery and a doctor's OK. That is nothing short of amazing. Congrats Coach. Keep on running!
I wanted to do something special while I ran, so when I set out on my quest, I led with a theme, a mission so to speak: 26 miles, 26 dedications. So many people can have an affect on our lives. We look up to some of those people. We admire them. We get inspired by them.
When I was growing up, I always saw myself as this type of person. I remember my mother had went to see a psychic with some friends for fun, and when asked for a picture of her children, the woman pointed to me all freaked out saying I was going to save the world. Apparently this women knew somehow that I loved comic books and lived on plant Chuck. Even at a young age I got a huge laugh when my mom told all of us that little story. I'm 44 years old and I haven't quite saved the world. However, it doesn't mean that I never thought I would do something important. I'm still trying to figure out what that is.
I always envisioned myself as an actor, or a singer. I even took a small acting class in high school, but when I had to put my arm around a female class mate I found out that was not going to happen. I pretty much fell apart blushing. I was just a bit shy back then (far from it now.) I never knew I could sing until well into my 20s but again it wasn't anything I would pursue. I was just Chuck - your average Joe, blue collar guy working like everyone else and just living life. But the older I got, the more I started to change. Could I do something important that would mean something to someone, even if we didn't know each other? Well, sure I could. That's why I've chosen to run for the Mario Lemieux foundation these last few years, and why I chose the theme that I did for my first marathon. It's my way of giving back and trying to make what I was doing more meaningful.
I wanted my biggest achievement to mean something to not only me, but to other people as well. I wanted to honor those that may have fought the good fight and were no longer with us and those that were still fighting. I wanted to honor those that had an impact on my life, even if they were a perfect stranger, even a celebrity. Sure we may have never met, but that doesn't mean they hadn't touched my life in some way. These people inspired me to do good so I wanted to return the favor.
When registration for this year's marathon opened up at the end of last year, I signed up ready to fight round two with the pavement all throughout Pittsburgh. I wanted to dedicate my miles once more so that my run would mean something more to not only me, but to others as well. Some of this list will consist of those I've dedicated miles to last year, but that's because I want them with me a,second time. Some of this list will have names of people I do not know and have never met, but some of you might. These people inspire us all, and this year's race is for them.
This may be a long post, but I hope you'll stick around to the end. (I would have loved to use more pics but did not want to do so without permission.)
Mile 1 - Kathy Jane Westfall. Kathy Jane worked with us but had been going through cancer treatments for quite some time. She came back in the middle of last summer but could only work a shortened schedule and around the end of the year she had to leave us again for treatment. We did find out around mid February that she would not be able to return to work, and two weeks ago, she was taken from us. One of the nicest and sweetest women you could ever meet, she is missed by all of us at BCD Travel. RIP Kathy Jane.
Mile 2 - Donna Koffler, "Mrs. K" I still think of you often and will never not. You were a big part of my life growing up, and I cherish all the memories I have of you. You will always have not just this mile, but many miles dedicated to you.
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Mrs. K. |
Mile 4 - The yet to be born child of Gerard and Kara Schaefer. You're going to be joining this world soon, so I wanted to warn you ahead of time: your parents are NUTS when it comes to the Pens and hockey. You will be too. You just don't know it yet (but we do, and trust me, it's gonna be fun!)
Mile 5 - David And Bonnie Hamsteads's unborn child. You are going to be their third little one. You are going to have two big sisters. If you are a boy, they are going to torture you (I know this for a . fact.) If you are a girl, they still might, but chances are you three will be an unstoppable force of nature. We can't wait to meet you in October.
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Dana Zinsner Miara |
Mile 7 - Traci Foley, Lisa Swanson and Alyson Patsilevas. I've never met these three ladies, but they were Dana's "pink sisters" and meant the world to her. They were taken from us too soon. RIP Traci, Lisa, and Alyson.
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Michelle Beck and her daughter Maddie |
Mile 8 - Michelle Beck. I know the struggles you've been facing for the last few years, but that doesn't stop you from doing anything and enjoying life. And it shouldn't. This mile's for you. (There is usually someone here with beer, so...cheers!) #teambeck

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Marissa and our friend Carie |
Mile 11 - Janice Fife. Janice was the mother of my friend Karyn. I've known Karyn for many years now thanks to the power of the cheese (Velveeta - The State College band and not the actual cheese.) I saw of her passing back in January right before Karyn's birthday. It was unexpected, as sometimes with Cancer if not most times it usually is. I had never met her mom, but I'd still like to honor her memory.
Mile 13 - Kelly Frey. Of course I don't know her, but we all know who she is. We've all watched her for years, and she chose to share her story with the entire city of Pittsburgh. That is no small feat and I'm sure it took a long time for her to talk about this with us. She's not done sharing stories either, whether they are hers or someone else's. I'm not done either. I'm halfway there, and this mile is for Kelly. #teamFrey #wtae
Mile 14 - Darran Dunlap. Most of us sports fans know who Colin Dunlap is. A well respected sports radio host and sports journalist in Pittsburgh, Colin too shared with the people of Pittsburgh his young daughter's story and how she was diagnosed with cancer. No adult should ever have to go through this, let alone a young child. This is another reason why I run for the Lemieux Foundation. Some of the money raised helps support Austin's Playroom at Children's Hospital, which benefits children like Darran. Colin keeps us updated on Darran's status when he can, and shows us how strong she is each and every day. He tweeted a picture of her just yesterday showing her resolve. She is the toughest kid I don't know. You are amazing Darran, and I can't help but look up to you. #teamdunlap
Mile 15 - Eric Myers. Eric was the husband of a women I graduated high school with, author Colleen Myers (back then it was Laughlin.) He was taken too soon, like so many others. He had passed a few weeks before last year's marathon, and I had my dedication list written up by then. I haven't seen Colleen since high school, and I think it's so cool that she is an author. I hadn't forgotten about her husband's passing, and wanted to honor his memory as well. Mile 15 is in your memory Ssgt. Myers.
Mile 16 - Lisa Richetti. Lisa posted online just the other day that she was 7 years cancer free. What an awesome and incredible thing to read. It's also something we all want to read and see.
Mile 18 - Dr. Joseph Udvari. Dr. Udvari passed away a few weeks ago due to complications with his cancer. He had been my eye doctor since I was 10 years old. He knew my family mostly from our visits. I was DJing the wedding of a co-worker's son and was surprised when he came up to say hi. He had no idea I was a DJ and a few years later hired me for his 40th class reunion. He was so fascinated by this and talked to me all night and made sure I was OK and had everything I needed. I didn't realize last year when I had my eye exam that he was sick. You were a good man Doc, and I'll miss our yearly chats. RIP.
Mile 19 - Franklin Foley. It's been close to 9 years since you have passed Mr. Foley. I know Doug, Erin, Kelly, Liz, and Mrs. Foley miss you dearly, and I'm glad to have met you when I did. I know you're looking down upon them all the time, and so do they.
Mile 20 - Dorothy Martoia. She was he grandmother of one of my close friend, Shelby. We had never met, and she would have been 91 the other day. She had a great and happy life, and mile 20 will be in the books with her spirit leading the way.
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Shelby, her mom Diane, and her Gram Dorothy |
Mile 21 - Charles O'Malley. Charles was the father of my friend Cathy, and father in law to my buddy Joe. He passed away on Sept 4th, 2015. I wanted to honor him this year, as well.
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Mr. Ervin |
Mile 24 - Carrie Fisher and Kenny Baker. Yes they are celebrities and very well known, and part of the biggest movie franchise that ever existed. But they were so much more than that. Kenny never let his size stop him from doing great things in Hollywood and being R2D2 is how most will remember him. Carrie was so much more than Princess Leia. She had her struggles in life, but she taught us so much because of them. She was blunt. She was honest. She was freaking hilarious. May the Force be with your both, always.
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Coach Betsy (Photo Credit - SCRR) |
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Coach Kim at Boston 2017 (Photo Stolen From a SCRR post. Sorry!) |
Mile 26 - Mile 26 updated due to life changes.
Wait a minute! There are still .2 miles to go! And with that, Kirsten, Marty, Chad, the 10:00m training pace group from SCRR, my run buddies (Sara, Amy, Stephanie, and Dana) my family and my friends (Bryan beer me again this year, maybe twice.) We made it this far, and the finish line is within sight. Let's hoist another beer like we did last year, and lets cross that finish line together! (Also, thank you Coach Suzanne for helping us all get there.)
Until next time Pittsburgh....keep on running.
Chuck Hull The Running Jedi
#pghmarathon #runpgh #lovetherun #teamlemieux
PS - There is still time to donate to the Mario Lemieux Foundation. Only $1225 to goal.
Paws Over Pittsburgh:
Team RWB
Wait a minute! There are still .2 miles to go! And with that, Kirsten, Marty, Chad, the 10:00m training pace group from SCRR, my run buddies (Sara, Amy, Stephanie, and Dana) my family and my friends (Bryan beer me again this year, maybe twice.) We made it this far, and the finish line is within sight. Let's hoist another beer like we did last year, and lets cross that finish line together! (Also, thank you Coach Suzanne for helping us all get there.)
Until next time Pittsburgh....keep on running.
Chuck Hull The Running Jedi
#pghmarathon #runpgh #lovetherun #teamlemieux
PS - There is still time to donate to the Mario Lemieux Foundation. Only $1225 to goal.
Paws Over Pittsburgh:
Team RWB
Wow what a Great Information about World Day its very nice informative post. thanks for the post.
ReplyDeleteI remember their dear ones disappeared