Friday, January 27, 2017

Don't Forget Your Athletic Supporter.

Amy, Bryan, Bryan's munchkin, and Sara

     That sounds sort of funny, doesn't it?  It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl, you always need your athletic supporters.   But what the heck does that have to do with running? A lot, actually.  However, this type of athletic supporter comes in the form of people.

     I've made it well known that when it comes to running, I couldn't do it without the help and support of all of you.  As a runner, it's extremely important to surround yourself with a great support system.    Mine just happen to make me laugh, make me smile, and make me forget sometimes that I'm even running.  I've always stated that my journey to a mararthon is not just my journey, but also ours.

     I'd like to take a minute or two to introduce you all to my "athletic supporters."   I don't want to go into too much detail as they too have a story to tell, and I'd like to give them the chance to do so in the coming weeks.  It's important to me that you get to know all of them as well.  So, with that being said, let's begin.

Amy - Amy is a friend from high school.  She's the little red headed engine that could.  She told me that I ran her first ever race with her a few years ago (I think it was three) and that race was the Hell Hath No Hurry trail run up at Settler's Cabin Park.   I can't forget that day.  It was cold, wet, and rainy, and we were both pretty much covered in mud.  It wasn't easy to do, but it was fun (which is why we keep going back to that race.)  We've run quite a few races together, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Amy and Me

Sara - Sara is another friend from high school whom I've known for many years.  From our days working at Roy Rogers down the street from Moon High School (lunchbox) to now, she's always one that gives 110%.  She has completed not one but two Tough Mudder races, and I know she's training for her third.  She likes to get dirty and the Tough Mudder was made for her.

Steph, Amy, Sara, me

Steph - I've known Steph and her husband Eric for half of my life as well.  (He's an OK guy even if he is from Philly and a Flyers fan.)  I see the same attitude in Steph as I do everyone else: never give up.  She doesn't.  I've watched her run two 10 Milers and did her first half marathon in her home town of Puxatawney.  This year, she's giving the Pittsburgh Half a shot.  I'm looking forward to Steph seizing the day on May 7th.

     Steph is raising money for Team Red White And Blue which helps benefit and support Veterans.  If you'd like to help support a Veteran organization, click this link:

Chad -  I can't forget Chad, even with his recent move to Baltimore.  Thankfully, he's only a few hours away.  Chad is a huge positive spirit, always smiling and laughing.  We may not have the chance to always run together these days with him being a little south of Pittsburgh, but it was a privilege to run my first marathon alongside of him.

Chad and I

Kirsten -  Kirsten is pretty much a speed demon.  Don't let her lie to you.  She can take off at the drop of a hat.  Kirsten has a good idea of how to add miles to a long run while running throughout Carnegie, but I really have a hard time convincing her of staying away from hills.
Kirsten, Kim, Me, and Marty

Marty - Marty joins Kim, Kirsten, and myself when we are doing our Carnegie loops among other things.  An avid lover of all Pittsburgh sporta, Marty can usually be found working Pens Games, Pitt Game, etc.  Marty started running a few years back and just keeps on going, too.

Bonnie and David -  Bonnie and David are a different type of athletic supporter.  They have no interest in running themselves, except when they are chasing their two little girls around the house.  They've been with me since I started my running journey, and continue to follow me on my path, and encourage me as well.  They do remain active in other ways through the Beach Body program.  These work outs can be intense, but you do get results.  If running is not your thing, maybe what they do may be something that sparks your interest.

     Links to their coaches pages are below:


Bryan - Last but not least, I can't forget Bryan.   He doesn't run, but he's our pit crew.   He's Uber.  He's our cheerleader.   He also hacks our phones when we hand them to him before they say go at the start line.  I've know Bryan most of my life as well, and I would change a thing. (See above pic #athleticsupporter)

     We always need support.  Everyone I work out with and run with are always there for me.  In fact, everyone has been.  My friends, my family, all of you.  Without everyone, things may get a little boring.  I'm glad that you are all there every time I lace up my shoes.

Until next time, keep on running.


Chuck Hull...the Running Jedi

PS: Don't forget, I too am raising money for the Mario Lemieux foundation once more.  If I hit $2500 again this year, I'll raffle off that awesome signed Mario Lemieux jersey.

Click here to donate:

Enjoy some more pics of my athletic supporters....

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